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" When Saito accuses the workers of sabotage and threatens shooting them, Clipton points out to Saito how gunning the soldiers down would violate his own set of principles, illustrating how the Japanese colonel is caught in a no-win dilemma - he will lose face if the bridge is not completed by the rigid deadline, and he will also lose face if he accedes to Nicholson""s demands:Saito: Enlisted prisoners sabotaged the work.Come in this minute, you hear? Lisa!" [From the previous voice-over, it is clear that Lisa identifies this day as a birthday - the beginning of her conscious life.(The score by Carter Burwell prophetically pounds out the dark, solemn theme music behind the stark scene." Shrek would disappear altogether in this alternate universe.He had never met Fiona and his kids didn""t exist ("How""s that for a metaphysical paradox? Looks like you got exactly what you wanted").They exhibited early signs of squabbling - especially young, troubled, and disobedient Edmund, jealous of his more perfect older siblings [during the air raid, he disobeyed and risked lives to save a picture of his father, who was away at war].