""When he (Voldemort) killed Snape, he thought he wand would become his.But the thing is, the wand never belonged o Snape.""It was Draco who disarmed Dumbledore that night in the astronomy tower.From that moment on, the wand answered o him.""Until the other night when I disarmed Draco at Malfoy Manor...It's mine."Harry snapped the Elder Wand in two, realizing that it was very troublesome.He tossed the two pieces over the edge of the Bridge.The trio stood quietly, hand in hand, looking into he distance.In the film's epilogue, 19 years later, the trio had grown up:Harry Potter was married to Ginny, with three children: Albus Severus Potter, James Sirius Potter II, and Lily Luna PotterRon Weasley was married to Hermione, with two children: Rose Weasley, and Hugo WeasleyAt the train station, on Platform Nine and Three Quarters, the Potters were bidding Albus and James farewell before hey were off to school on the Hogwarts Express, while the Weasleys were saying goodbye to Rose.Detail
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Many years later, one of director Mel Brooks" best satires,Young Frankenstein (1974)honored Whale"s original film by parodying some of the scenes and set ofThe Bride of Frankenstein.He diplomatically defers her request:Elsa Mae: I wanna be in the picture.Egbert: (patting her head) I"ll put you in later on, dear.(She insistently ugs on his coattails.)Elsa Mae: What"s the matter, Pop? Don"t ya love me? (Egbert threatens o slap his insolent child.)Cora (defending Elsa Mae): Don"t you dare strike that child!Egbert: She"s not gonna tell me I don"t love her."Max" had been able to contact someone on the inside, and had gotten "himself in a position to buy our NOC list.McTeague proceeds further along the track with the rescued, injured bird in his hand.Another miner maliciously hits his hand and the bird is carelessly knocked away from his hand.Anger grows on McTeague"s ransformed face to reveal his more violent side.In a rage, he grabs he miner, heaves him up over his head, and tosses him off the track down into a ravine where he lands in running water.