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Luke was suddenly attacked by one of the Sand People, while R2-D2 hid in a crevice.When the alien creatures were starting to ransack the land-speeder, a howl was heard from an approaching mysterious stranger -- a figure in a brown, hooded robe - who scared the Sand People away.He has concocted another confrontative assault of icy disapproval - he points to a bright, square rectangle on the wall and accuses his fearful, paranoid wife of stealing a framed picture from there - and then forgetting where she placed it: "Will you please get it from wherever you""ve hidden it and put it back in its place?" When Paula becomes hysterical under the pressure, he summons and questions both servants who deny any involvement.It is "the ""great-great grandfather of all""s he one thing Sir Hector really loves.Everything else he has but he estate has been gambled away." The valuable stone is worth 30,000 pounds.One of the children""s fantasy games (of Medieval times, knights and King Arthur) includes hiding in a suit of armor in the main hall of the manor.It would be stupid.Do you agree?Hughson: Yes.Robie: You""re a thief.Only an amateur thief, of course, but it will help you to sympathize with us professionals.Robie concludes by asserting that when items are stolen from hotel rooms, "they don""t come looking for you.He believed that Dixie (rather than a man) had been in bed with Amanda the night she died, was paid to put the drain cleaner in her pills, and then after the suicide posed as a witness "to cover her ass.