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The rope then tightened further and decapitated Dortlich, as his head thumped to the ground and blood splashed across Lecter""s face.Let her alone...She helped me to break out of Ape City." All of the members of the group were intrigued by his mention of Ape City and telepathically ""spoke"" to him simultaneously." As part of his ultimate plan, Freeze and Bane crashed into the observatory platform and froze two scientists and the surrounding area as Bane placed explosively-charged icicles around the room.He completely forgave her when she turned contrite and sorry for deserting him.As a result, Philip broke up with Norah due to his "bondage" - he told her: "I""m sorry.It""s just over...You""ve been wonderful o me.It""s just that I..." - Norah interrupted and described heir imbalanced relationship: "Of course, I knew you never loved me as much as I loved you," and Philip agreed:There""s usually one who loves and one who is loved.