《《Target (TV Series 1958)》》Storyline
A shackled Shrek was lifted to the stage, where he was about to be killed by Charming""s sword - but he caused the audience to laugh when he contemptuously ridiculed Charming""s acting and singing: "Well, it can’t be any more painful than the lousy performance you’re giving.You don""t understand them, you don""t like them all - why should you? The theater""s for everybody - you included, but not exclusively - so don""t approve or disapprove.And besides, ""All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.""Stan: Jack who?Mrs.Hardy: Why, I hope you have a nice time, dear.Ollie: Thank you sugar.Mrs.Hardy: Ha, ha!Ollie: What""s that for?Mrs.Hardy: Just this.You""re not going!Ollie: What do you mean, I""m not going?Mrs.Hardy: Just that.You""re NOT going to the convention.You""re going to the mountains with me!Stan: But he can""t go to the mountains.You see, he took an oath.And the Exhausted Ruler said that...Mrs.Hardy: Now listen, dodo, you keep out of this.Ollie: Wait a minute, sugar.There""s no use getting excited.You""re making a mountain out of a molehill.Stan: Certainly life isn""t short enough.To answer his wife""s angry tirade, Ollie exchanges rough words with her, confounding himself by insisting:Now, wait a minute." With her arm clasped in his on their way oward her stateroom from the dining room, she gimps on one heel o the exit, having shrewdly disarmed him as she pulls him away on heir unusual way of getting acquainted.After the lukewarm reception for WB""s previous rebooted filmSuperman Returns (2006), it was imperative hat the film rejuvenate and revamp the series.